Geovariances Newsletter - June 2017
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Compute flow path lines with the new Isatis 2017

One of the most noticeable innovation for the Contaminated Site Industry is the new Streamlines Calculator. This application is designed to compute flow path lines according to a 2D surface. It has been successfully used in our consulting projects either with topographic elevation and hydraulic head...


Kartotrak 2017 is to follow by the end of June with plenty of improvements in displays

All users agree on that: Kartotrak displays are great to better understand the behavior of a contaminated site regarding the spatial distribution and the transfer of the pollutants. They say they are far more educational than a speech and enable their clients to quickly understand what happens on their site and visualize future work at first glance. A good reason for us to keep on improving Kartotrak display features.

Discover all Kartotrak 2017 novelties >>
Success Story Tauw provides TAUW France with the robust and quantitative responses they need

Tauw France wants to be able to provide tangible and quantified recommended rehabilitation solutions for their customers and the administration. To fulfill this objective, the well-know environmental consultancy relies on for data 3D visualization and geostatistical modeling... 

Read the full success story >>
Geovariances is part of the European research project Horizon 2020 INSIDER

The launch meeting of Horizon 2020 INSIDER, a European research project about nuclear site characterization, will take place on the 8th of June 2017 in Brussels. Geovariances is particularly involved in a work project about sampling strategy implying a comparative study of geostatistical data processing on 3 European application cases....

Have a look at the research project details >>
Success Story Tauw
DMR gave Kartotrak two thumbs up for its capability to bring the concept of "confidence" to estimates of contaminated soil mass and volume

"Drastically decreased prices on chemical analyses, a client demand for integrated database storage of contaminant data, and my discovery of Kartotrak made my dream come true", DMR R&D manager testifies...

Read his full testimonial >>



Paper presentations

Training sessions French:



ArevaNP, CEA, CisBio International, EDF, GrandLyon, Nudec-Retia, Ondraf, Rambol-Sanofi, Total...