Geovariances Newsletter - July 2016
Minestis can be used for audit and desktop review of Mineral Resource Estimation projects

Auditing and reviewing a Mineral Resource Estimate either internally or publicly is a multifaceted process for which no software can pretend it will provide all the required tools to tick all the boxes. But some solution will provide better adapted platforms than others. Minestis falls in that category[...]

Minestis exclusive: Automatic Sample Clustering into domains

Minestis introduces scientific rigor and objectivity in sample clustering. The software uses all available information (e.g. drill hole data, geology, structural data, geologist interpretation) to identify homogeneous zones and assign each sample to a domain. Domaining has never been so fast and easy...

Find out more >>

Client Mine Site performs Drillhole Spacing Analysis for coal resource uncertainty analysis  

The coal industry in Australia has been actively working in recent years towards the integration of geostatistics for coal resource estimation. Studies concluded that the use of a geostatistical method, whereby the classification of the resource is driven by the element in situ variability, is highly recommended.

Paper to be presented at the 35th International Geological Congress in Cape Town on a similar topic

Read the client success story >>
Advanced seminar with Datamine in Cape Town

August 22 - 26th

Join us for this unique opportunity to learn about the theoretical principles behind Uniform Conditioning, Multivariate Grade Estimation and Kriging Neighbourhood Analyis and how it is applied within Datamine’s Studio RM software.

Minestis in Brazil

Early July, Geovariances brazilian team presented Minestis 2016 to an audience of major mining companies, consultancies and universities.

What they particularly appreciated in the product was: fluidity of the work it offerspossibility to create and save parameters sets and the fact that they can achieve every step of their resource estimation study without changing software...

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