Geovariances Newsletter - February 2017
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Video Kartotrak data qc
Discover why preliminary data quality control is essential to better control your remediation budget

No serious decision related to a site decontamination can be made without a preliminary quality investigation. But how to be sure of data quality for an appropriate diagnosis? Kartotrak brings the solution...

See how. Watch the 5 minutes video >>
Success Story Dekra
Kartotrak helps Dekra to justify their decisions

Dekra Industrial France runs Kartotrak to get the accurate and reliable contamination maps they need to quickly locate hot spots. By doing that, they quantify the level of uncertainty attached to contaminated volumes, which helps them secure their remediation budget...

Read the full success story >>
Success Story CEA LASE
CEA LASE runs Kartotrak and autoradiography to get maps of radionuclides difficult to measure

For their D&D projects, CEA LASE Laboratory has developed the Digital Autoradiography technique to get images of radionuclides that can be found in nuclear wastes but difficult to measure. Kartotrak is used to process the large datasets which are derived from the technique and produce accurate 2D maps of radionuclides...

Read the full success story >>
Kartotrak 2016
Geovariances is involved in two Ademe-funded projects: Geobapa and Cartorisk

Two major objectives for these projects:
Geobapa: in the framework of Grand Paris project, builds a reference of the local geochemical background to assess the opportunities to reuse lands - off site - according to their geochemical level.
Cartorisk: provides city planners and real estate companies with tools for health risk estimation and mapping.

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