Isatis has made my project work significantly easier
“Being a long term Isatis user for over 8 years, when I joined Golder Associates, I lobbied for Golder to acquire the software. As Golder has an extensive in house suite of Geostatistical tools that are of exceptional capability, the lobbying took some time. We have recently placed an order for several licenses and I am able to confirm that access to Isatis has made my project work significantly easier.
For example, in a recent audit, I had to work with a complicated data set with many thousands of samples of various types. The area was geologically complicated and the data had to be subset by each geological unit, orebody and sample type. Using Isatis, in particular the batch file capability, I was able to run a large number of checks on the data through numerous permutations. As errors were identified, and the client corrected them, the batch files allowed me to rapidly re-run the data analysis.
Having worked with the Geovariances’ team for many years, spending time in their offices, I am confident that the results provided by Isatis are robust, defensible and repeatable.”