Geostatistics for the characterization of nuclear facilities, sites and waste
Geostatistics is a relevant tool for characterizing the radioactivity at each phase of a decommissioning project (during operation, after shut-down, or during dismantling), a site remediation project (during site investigation and after remediation work to check the site compliance with cleanup regulations) or in post-accidental context.
Whatever the phenomenon (contamination, activation, NORM, …) and the impacted materials (soil, concrete, groundwater, graphite, process equipment, …), geostatistics offers a range of tools for:
– sampling campaign optimization to meet the quality objectives of each phase of the characterization process,
– identification of the contamination extension,
– sound radiological waste classification enabling a quantified risk analysis that informs decision-making.
In the nuclear industry, geostatistics also advantageously applies to other fields: hydrogeology, carbon content, waste packages, etc.
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Geostatistical mapping of a contaminated riverbank in Norway – ICRER 2022 | ICRER 2022 - T. K. Eriksen (Institute for Energy Technology, NUK Kjeller, Norway) and Y. Desnoyers (Geovariances)
Geostatistical mapping of two nuclear sites in Norway – ICRER 2022 | ICRER 2022 - M. Bourgeaux-Goget (IFE) and Y. Desnoyers (Geovariances)
Characterization of Radioactively Contaminated Land – IAEA Nuclear Back End Webinar Series 3.5
Methodology for the Estimation of Contaminated soil by a Geostatistics-based method | WM2023 - E. Moreno (CEA Marcoule), Y. Desnoyers (Geovariances), I. Bisel (CEA Marcoule) and P. Marty (CEA Marcoule)
Contributions of the CETAMA working group n°10 on sampling and radiological characterisation (poster) | Anne Courtadon et Danièle Roudil, CEA Marcoule; Yvon Desnoyers, Geovariances; Didier Dubot, CEA; Guy Granier, IRSN; Catherine Ollivier-Dehaye, EDF
Assessment of ambient dose equivalent rate distribution patterns in a forested-rugged terrain using field-measured and modeled dose equivalent rates | M. Yasumiishi, P. Masoudi, T. Nishimura, K. Ochi, X. Ye, J. Aldstadt, M. Komissarov - Radiation Measurements, Volume 168, 2023, 106978, ISSN 1350-4487,
Fuzzy membership function for weighting pairs in variographical analysis | P. Masoudi, Spatial Statistics, Volume 52, December 2022, 100717, ISSN 2211-6753,
Methodology for Contamination Estimation by a Geostatistic-based Method | WM2023 - E. Moreno (CEA Marcoule), Y. Desnoyers (Geovariances), I. Bisel (CEA Marcoule) and P. Marty (CEA Marcoule)
Smart use of the variogram to explore spatial data, break down variance contributions and model radiological contaminations | by Yvon Desnoyers - Presented at the workshop "Statistical methods for safety and decommissioning" - Nov. 22-24, 2022 - Research Group MASCOT-NUM
Metallographic characterization by variographic analysis and geostatistical simulation of local segregation microstructures in a heavy thickness forged part in SA508 Gr3 Cl2 type steel | FONTEVRAUD 10, 2022 - Y. Desnoyers (Geovariances), P. Masoudi (Geovariances), P. Joly (Framatome), E. Deneuvillers (Framatome)