Yvon Desnoyers is to talk at NEA workshop on November 30, 2022
Yvon's talk will be about how geostatistics can help optimize sampling design and decision-making.
The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Working Party on Technical, Environmental, and Safety Aspects of Decommissioning and Legacy Management (WPTES) is organizing an international workshop on Innovative Techniques and Technologies to Support the Characterization and Decommissioning of Complex and Legacy Sites.
Yvon Desnoyers will present:
Geostatistics to help optimize subsurface sample design and support remedial and final status survey decision-making on several case studies
on November 30, 2022, 11:20 am.
Session 2.4: Innovative Techniques and Technologies for Surveys of Subsurface Soils and Groundwater.
By attending his talk, you will discover why geostatistics is fully relevant for 2D and 3D mapping of radiological contamination.
You will also learn more about how geostatistics help you:
– rationalize the investigation effort (between in situ measurements and lab analyses) thanks to the multivariate approach,
– make objective decision for waste classification through robust uncertainty quantification.