Kartotrak, the integrated software solution for contamination characterization
Kartotrak is the first all-in-one software solution designed for an efficient characterization of soil contamination. It has been conceived for all those in charge of environmental site assessment or remediation who need to locate and estimate contaminated soil volumes confidently. Kartotrak offers an integrated workflow that streamlines the characterization process and can be used at any step of a remediation project: during the scoping and the characterization phase or after remediation to verify site compliance with cleanup regulatory rules.
A light version of Kartotrak, Kartotrak.one, is available for those who only need data QC and rapid contamination mapping functionalities.
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Because you need to be confident with data quality in order to produce reliable results, Kartotrak offers high-value exploratory data analysis tools for an in-depth quality control. Its integrated Geographical Information System and 3D Viewer help you improve your contamination knowledge and identify key uncertain areas.
Kartotrak is very easy to handle and its workflow guides you through each step of your project, simplifying software manipulation. Once parametrized, you can repeat the whole Kartotrak workflow in just a few clicks. You can implement Kartotrak on-site for real-time data acquisition or at the office for in-depth analysis including risk management studies and setup of excavation plans.
Kartotrak provides efficient tools for sampling optimization and risk assessment, enabling you to better anticipate hazards during remediation and consequently to better estimate the project costs. You can control key uncertainties related to contaminated volumes or pollutant masses and identify areas that are either sub-sampled or with an increased heterogeneity.
Kartotrak 2D/3D mapping functionalities allow you assessing efficiently the soil compatibility with the site’s future use or its surrounding environment. Kartotrak facilitates communication between stakeholders thanks to its 2D/3D visualization components, therefore providing you with strong basis to your decision process.
Software licensing system & operating system requirements | Geovariances - Software licensing system & operating system requirements
Kartotrak | How confident are you with your management plan quality?
Kartotrak | Etes-vous sûr de la qualité de vos plans de gestion ?
Kartotrak : Solution logicielle intégrée pour la caractérisation des sites et sols contaminés
Kartotrak: Integrated Software Solution for Contaminated Site Characterization
Geostatistical mapping of a contaminated riverbank in Norway – ICRER 2022 | ICRER 2022 - T. K. Eriksen (Institute for Energy Technology, NUK Kjeller, Norway) and Y. Desnoyers (Geovariances)
Geostatistical mapping of two nuclear sites in Norway – ICRER 2022 | ICRER 2022 - M. Bourgeaux-Goget (IFE) and Y. Desnoyers (Geovariances)
Characterization of Radioactively Contaminated Land – IAEA Nuclear Back End Webinar Series 3.5
Methodology for the Estimation of Contaminated soil by a Geostatistics-based method | WM2023 - E. Moreno (CEA Marcoule), Y. Desnoyers (Geovariances), I. Bisel (CEA Marcoule) and P. Marty (CEA Marcoule)
Contributions of the CETAMA working group n°10 on sampling and radiological characterisation (poster) | Anne Courtadon et Danièle Roudil, CEA Marcoule; Yvon Desnoyers, Geovariances; Didier Dubot, CEA; Guy Granier, IRSN; Catherine Ollivier-Dehaye, EDF
Methodology for Contamination Estimation by a Geostatistic-based Method | WM2023 - E. Moreno (CEA Marcoule), Y. Desnoyers (Geovariances), I. Bisel (CEA Marcoule) and P. Marty (CEA Marcoule)
Smart use of the variogram to explore spatial data, break down variance contributions and model radiological contaminations | by Yvon Desnoyers - Presented at the workshop "Statistical methods for safety and decommissioning" - Nov. 22-24, 2022 - Research Group MASCOT-NUM
Metallographic characterization by variographic analysis and geostatistical simulation of local segregation microstructures in a heavy thickness forged part in SA508 Gr3 Cl2 type steel | FONTEVRAUD 10, 2022 - Y. Desnoyers (Geovariances), P. Masoudi (Geovariances), P. Joly (Framatome), E. Deneuvillers (Framatome)
Kartotrak, software solution for contaminated site and soil characterization | Kartotrak, software solution for contaminated site and soil characterization
Geostatistical deconvolution to find and locate punctual sources | Geostatistical deconvolution to find and locate punctual sources