Geostatistics applied to contaminated site characterization and remediation
The global economy and success of contaminated site characterization and remediation projects and the environmental exposure are strongly impacted by the quantity of material to be excavated, treated, then re-used or eliminated. Appropriate data acquisition, reliable mapping, precise waste categorization, and uncertainty assessment are key issues for achieving successful projects.
Whatever the contamination type (chemical or radiological) you are facing and the impacted medium (soil, concrete, sediments or groundwater), geostatistics provides you with the most efficient framework to meet these goals and improve your decision-making process.
Master contamination evaluation uncertainties
With our solutions, you can...
Hear from our customers
-, geostatistical Python library by Geovariances | Geovariances Python package for geostatistics
Software licensing system & operating system requirements | Geovariances - Software licensing system & operating system requirements
La géostatistique – Fiches Sites et Sols Pollués – Techniques Innovantes – MTE, Ademe, BRGM, Inéris
Kartotrak | How confident are you with your management plan quality?
Kartotrak | Etes-vous sûr de la qualité de vos plans de gestion ?
Use of geostatistical modelling in investigation of soil contamination – working toward a better definition of remedial mass and volume | Per Loll, Ph.D. DMR A/S, T. Tsitseli, C. Larsen, DMR A/S A. Rokkjær, P. Johansen, H. Østergaard, N. Døssing Overheu, Capital Region of Denmark - NORDROCS 2018
Ramboll Data Management Methodology for Successful Geostatistical Analysis | Integrated Implementation of EQuIS and Kartotrak to Perform Pollution Characterization and to Design the Remediation of Industrial Sites
Geostatistical study to support sustainable remediation of a site with historical lead impact (poster) | Claire FAUCHEUX, Nicolas JEANNEE, Perrine MARTIN , Maarten CUYPERS, Annelies JACOBS
Geostatistical study supporting cost-effective remediation of a site with historical lead impact (presentation) | Maarten Cuypers, Annelies Jacobs, Perrine Martin Nicolas Jeannée, Claire Faucheux
Utilisation du module d’acquisition en temps réel de Kartotrak | Présenté à la réunion utilisateurs Kartotrak 2013 par J. Attiogbe (Geovariances)
Kartotrak, software solution for contaminated site and soil characterization | Kartotrak, software solution for contaminated site and soil characterization
Non-Destructive identification of silt-clay layers on borehole core logs in PVC liners | Clay Conference 2022 - Non-Destructive identification of silt-clay layers on borehole core logs in PVC liners
Factorial kriging for estimating and mapping the geochemical background from in situ gamma dose rate measurements downstream of a former uranium mine | Journal of Environmental Radioactivity Volume 237, October 2021, 106681
Prediction reliability of chemically contaminated volumes of soils. Feedback on 23 former industrial sites (RECORD study) and lessons learnt for radioactively contaminated sites | Hélène Demougeot-Renard, eOde; Yvon Desnoyers, Geovariances; Bénédicte Couffignal, RECORD
Geostatistics for radiological characterization: overview and application cases – (presentation)