Geostatistics applied to contaminated site characterization and remediation

The global economy and success of contaminated site characterization and remediation projects and the environmental exposure are strongly impacted by the quantity of material to be excavated, treated, then re-used or eliminated. Appropriate data acquisition, reliable mapping, precise waste categorization, and uncertainty assessment are key issues for achieving successful projects.

Whatever the contamination type (chemical or radiological) you are facing and the impacted medium (soil, concrete, sediments or groundwater), geostatistics provides you with the most efficient framework to meet these goals and improve your decision-making process.

Hear from our customers

"La formation "Cartographie et estimation de volumes contaminés avec la géostatistique" est de grande qualité, animée par une formatrice qui maîtrise parfaitement son sujet et sait le transmettre à travers des supports de qualité et des exercices adaptés."

Frédéric Panfili, Co-Gérant - CISMA Environnement - Conseil Ingéniérie Sols et Milieux Aquatiques
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"Very good training associating an academic statistics approach with practical examples. This very useful training will increase our expertise on polluted site management and help us to find the best way for the best remediation works."

Philippe Monier, Technical Manager - Refining and Chemical Department - RETIA / TOTAL
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"Kartotrak has unique qualities in ease of use, geostatistical power, and visualization capabilities in 2D and 3D of contaminant concentrations, statistical properties, and geologic layers."

Per Loll, R&D Manager - DMR, Denmark
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Dans le cadre de ses formations, l’INSTN fait appel à des experts reconnus. Yvon Desnoyers, consultant à Geovariances, est de ceux-là. Ses interventions permettent de délivrer une formation de qualité en combinant une approche théorique et des exemples d’applications...

Guy Granier, Responsable pédagogique - Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires (INSTN)
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"Kartotrak permet de réaliser rapidement l’analyse des données de pollution et de générer des visualisations graphiques et rendus professionnels. Le logiciel améliore la compréhension du fonctionnement d’un site pollué et nous aide à dimensionner des solutions de gestion."

Sébastien Kaskassian, Chef de projet et Responsable Innovation - Tauw France
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January 17, 2019

Une journée technique de l'ADEME pour comprendre le bien-fondé de la géostatistique dans la gestion des sites contaminés. A ne pas man...

May 3, 2018

Discover how Ramboll implements EQuIS and Kartotrak to improve their confidence in data and the design of remediation solutions.

March 13, 2018

With Kartotrak displaying borehole logs, you immediately identify the main levels of the site impacted by pollution.

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Data Quality Control

Before starting an evaluation of the contamination leading to decision-making tools for site clean-up, it is essential to ensure data quality. Thus, based on solid and reliable foundations, uncertainties occurring during the different steps of the decision process will be better controlled and the final quality of the project improved.

The objective of this white paper is to assess at best the validity of the data through visual, statistical and geostatistical basic tools before going further into their analysis.

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