Training courses in mining, oil & gas and environmental geostatistics

Geovariances offers general or business-oriented geostatistics training available worldwide in various languages. Courses cover all aspects of geostatistics for resource estimation, contamination characterization, mapping, or risk analysis. We provide various training options, including live public, in-house, or online sessions, with standard content or customized to your team’s unique needs.

Short course training, like the one provided by Geovariances, is an excellent option to acquire relevant knowledge and practical skills quickly and efficiently. Geovariances also supports the online CFSG, the 10-week high-level training program in geostatistics or Cycle de Formation Spécialisée en Géostatistique (Specialized Training Cycle in Geostatistics) provided by the Center for Geosciences from Mine Paris – PSL. More info →

Our training courses are Qualiopi certified (a French national quality reference system). This recognition guarantees the quality of the training we deliver.

Choose the training best suited to your profile

Whatever your technical level or requirements, you will find a training adapted to your needs in our comprehensive course portfolio. Our courses range from short webinars and half-day introductory seminars to 3-5 day fundamental level training or advanced level workshops. Our programs are specifically tailored to your industry and your specific operational challenges and are conducted either in English, French, Spanish or Portuguese languages.

Develop the geostatistical skills you need

Our programs cover the whole geostatistics workflow, from data analysis and variography to advanced multivariate non-linear methods. With our courses, you can get a “hands-on experience” of the importance of key geostatistical concepts, rapidly develop valuable skills with our niche topics, improve your software practice or just get some insights on the added value of geostatistics. Training can be completed with mentoring for goal-oriented workshops.

Get your geostatistical training at the time you need it

You may pick up a public session from one of our catalogues. Or you can ask us to organize your specific training for you and your colleagues, privately and tailor-made to answer your unique requirements. You will then choose between instructor-led classroom covering 8 hours of content per day or live online solutions limited to 2 hours per session and 2 sessions per day. The choice is yours!

Learn from our experienced trainers

The skills you acquire with our experts help you build more reliable quantitative models and gain confidence in your results. Our trainers are senior geostatisticians, statisticians, geologists, mining or petroleum engineers adding up decades of experience in teaching geostatistics and carrying out consulting projects. They know your business and understand your specific challenges. They are also the ones who train the industry geostatistics experts.

Hear from our clients

"Durant la formation de 3 jours que j'ai suivie avec mon équipe, nous avons tout particulièrement apprécié l'engagement de l'instructeur ainsi que la qualité de la formation dispensée. Les objectifs que nous nous étions fixés avec cette formation sont largement atteints."

Claudio Stalder, Géologue - Office fédéral de la santé publique OFSP - Confédération Suisse
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"O curso Prática em Geoestatística com uso do software Isatis.neo, promovido pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul em parceia com a Geovariances, foi muito intenso e produtivo. Agradeço toda a equipe pelo suporte e pela qualidade do conteúdo."

Saulo da Silva Nunes, Geólogo de Exploração Pleno - Alcoa
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"Many thanks for your kind and informative lecture during online training. It was a very good chance for us to understand and apply geostatistics for contamination characterization. I hope to continue cooperation with Geovariances."

Sang-Bum Hong, Ph.D., Principal Researcher/Project Manager - Decommissioning Technology Research Division - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)
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"Very good training associating an academic statistics approach with practical examples. This very useful training will increase our expertise on polluted site management and help us to find the best way for the best remediation works."

Philippe Monier, Technical Manager - Refining and Chemical Department - RETIA / TOTAL
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"Training very good in all aspects: organization, material, applicability of the methodology and technical knowledge of the consultant. We will certainly have more challenges and we know that we may count on you."

Daniel Bernardes Raposo, Senior Geologist - CMOC International
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Use of Simulations for Mining Applications

Linear interpolation techniques – such as kriging – are inappropriate for dealing with issues that require a full characterization of spatial distribution (for example, probability of exceeding a threshold, variability of a product per mining period, recoverable resources at various cut-offs, etc.).

Only conditional simulations reproduce the true variability of your orebody. They are flexible in their application to complex mining processes and uncertainty assessment.

Through Geovariances’ multiple experiences in developing a variety of simulation strategies in different environments: kimberlite pipes, turbiditic and carbonate reservoirs, porphyry copper, alteration and hyd,rothermal type deposits, learn how geostatistical simulations can help in resource estimation and classification.

Hydrogeological Facies Modeling

Stochastic Methods for geological modeling and links with fluid flow simulations

Whatever the application domain – oil & gas production, aquifer pollution characterization, uranium production by lixiviation – characterizing the geological parameters and capturing their variability is essential to ensure realistic flow modeling…

Time to Depth Conversion

Time to depth conversion of geological surfaces is critical for structural model building. Quantifying the uncertainty attached to the conversion is also of primordial importance for assessing GRV uncertainties. Traditional velocity models used in time to depth conversion could benefit from geostatistical techniques used in data integration. The advantage of using geostatistical methods is that they fit the data in one step and allow quantifying the uncertainty attached to the prediction by mean of the generation of equiprobable realizations.

Through Geovariances long-lasting experience in geostatistical depth conversion studies, learn how geostatistics helps you improve the accuracy of your reservoir structural model and assess the uncertainties on surfaces.

Mapping with auxiliary data

Through this white paper, discover how you canimprove significantly map reliability and quality by incorporating various sources of information in the interpolation process.

This document details the different methods for assimilating various sources of information, taking into account the reliability of each source and how the uncertainty associated with any mapping result can be estimated and reduced.

Data Quality Control

Before starting an evaluation of the contamination leading to decision-making tools for site clean-up, it is essential to ensure data quality. Thus, based on solid and reliable foundations, uncertainties occurring during the different steps of the decision process will be better controlled and the final quality of the project improved.

The objective of this white paper is to assess at best the validity of the data through visual, statistical and geostatistical basic tools before going further into their analysis.

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