“Conversions & Uncertainties” is a preconfigured workflow integrated into the Petroleum edition of Isatis.neo, Geovariances’ new geostatistics software solution tailored for the Oil & Gas industry. This smart workflow brings an innovation leap in time-to-depth conversion allowing the most comprehensive analysis of spill points and reservoir volumes with a large focus on uncertainty analysis. Benefitting from a 3-year research program, it is the only conversion tool in the market to manage uncertainties on fault locations. Its innovative and agile interface makes it straightforward to use.
Explore many possible conversion scenarios
- Enjoy a smart and streamlined workflow giving you the best and optimized way to reservoir volumes.
- Go fast in data definition thanks to a particularly agile and user-friendly interface.
- Perform efficiently depth and volume sensitivity analysis to input data, computation methodology and parameters defining as many conversion scenarios as you wish. Run them all in a single click. Easily compare the different outputs.
Enjoy an extremely flexible toolkit
- Choose to perform simultaneous conversion of several conformable horizons (innovative joint approach unique to Isatis.neo minimizing error propagation) or a sequential one (conversion layer by layer).
- Consider or not to integrate a fault model in the process. Input fault data can be in depth or in time. In that case, faults will be converted in the conversion process.
- Achieve depth conversion through ordinary kriging with or without an external drift, in a classical or a Bayesian approach. Reach the best results by choosing to perform this with depth modeling or velocity modeling, defining which formula to use or inputting your own velocity map model as a trend.
Consider multiple sources of uncertainty
- Benefit from the only conversion tool in the market that manages uncertainties on fault locations. Quickly produce a fault mesh model from input fault sticks and consider a position uncertainty window in the conversion process.
- Take into account different sources of uncertainty (time horizon, velocity, fault positions) in the calculations for the most comprehensive spill point characterization, trap analysis and volume analysis.
- Test pessimistic, most likely and optimistic scenarios in volumetrics.
Be sure of the estimate quality
- Reduce misties at locations where two or more measures are recorded before any further calculation. Estimation and uncertainty maps are delivered (to be released in early 2020).
- Quickly verify the expected quality of the conversion through cross-plots and several powerful statistics and fine tune parameter values.
- Be sure that converted surfaces do not overlap each other by running specific post-processing ensuring geology compliant surfaces. Two types of situations are currently supported: erosion and onlap. Intersection and probability maps are delivered.
Achieve uncertainty analysis on traps and spill-points
- Benefit from an automatic determination of traps and associated spill points for each depth realization.
- Get the probability map to be inside or below the trap, the distribution curve and the histogram of spill point depths and trap volumes.
Perform the most comprehensive risk analysis on volumes
- Get pessimistic, most likely and optimistic scenarios of various volumes (recoverable resources, oil zone, gas zone and above spill points volumes) considering fluid contacts and dynamic reservoir information (porosity, hydrocarbon saturation, Formation Volume Factor, Recovery Factor and Net to Gross ratio) and their pessimistic, mode and optimistic values