Resource classification categories provide a global assessment of confidence levels that can be placed in different aspects of a mining project.
Geostatistics allows you to objectively characterize the confidence of your resource estimates by integrating corporate risk profiles and reporting code guidelines through quantitative inputs.
Resource classification focuses on the categorisation of the mineral resource. Geostatistics can produce quantitative inputs to characterise the confidence placed in each element having a bearing on the resource classification. More importantly geostatistics offers a coherent and objective framework that can help you maintain a global approach to classification.A variety of geostatistical inputs can be used to fully characterize the level of confidence in the resource estimates of your key elements:
- Kriging variance and other kriging quality statistics;
- Optimal neighborhood search parameters; and
- Assessments of geological uncertainty.
Geostatistics also offers an unparalleled ability to generate:
- Local and global confidence intervals to fully characterize how resource confidence will vary in space. These confidence intervals can be based on the use of conditional simulation which can be processed to produce indicators of the variability of the resource for different confidence levels; and
- Coherent volumes corresponding to the various categories by using adapted geostatistical post-processing tools that help smooth the definition of the different categories.