Geovariances consultants are to train students at the University of São Paulo
Gustavo Usero and Silvia Misk are very pleased to contribute to the Workshop of Economic Geology of the Universidade de São Paulo (USP) which the main theme is "Mineral Deposits in the Amazon Craton and Technological Innovations.”
The event will take place from November 6-8, 2019. It aims at promoting better interactions between students and companies in the mining sector. The event is organized in association with the Society of Economic Geologists.
Geovariances team from our Brazilian office will give a 12-hour short course and a 30-minute lecture:
- Mineral Resource Estimation: from exploratory data analysis to mineral resources classification (using Isatis.neo) by Silvia MISK – Geoestatistician and Mineral Resource Consultant
from 8:00 am – 12:00 pm – from November 6-8, 2019 - Mineral Resource Estimation and Classification by Gustavo USERO – Regional Director – Geovariances Latin America and the Caribbeans
17:00 pm -17:30 pm – 6/11/2019