Geovariances involved in international working groups to promote geostatistics
Geovariances has been participating for many years in international working groups from EOCD, IAEA, the European NICOLE or the French Cetama, which deal with both radiological and chemical characterization. As a result, several organizations now recommend geostatistics as a solution in the characterization of contaminated sites.
From OECD,
Geovariances specialist in applied geostatistics for the nuclear sector Yvon Desnoyers is member of the OECD Task Group on Radiological Characterisation and Decommissioning (TG-RCD).
The aim of this working group is to identify and present best practices for radiological characterisation at different stages of decommissioning.
Yvon joined the “mid-term in-room meeting” on the 30th of September together with a broad international public from France, Belgium, Germany, UK, Sweden, Norway, Spain, Italy or Japan.
Members of OECD Task Group on Radiological Characterisation and Decommissioning at the mid-term in-room meeting (from left to right, Yvon is the 5th person at the back)
Besides working on the group final report, one objective was the preparation of the conference PREDEC 2016 (International Symposium on Preparation for Decommissioning) which will be held in Lyon, France, from 16-18 February 2016. During that event, Yvon will chair a session about “Best practices in characterisation of material and waste“. He will also present a paper on “Geostatistics for radiological characterization: tips and tricks and best practices“.
The first edition of this group on the same theme (2011-2013) led to the integration of geostatistics as one of the decision tools to be used for radiological characterization. Yvon has co-authored and contributed to the final report Radiological Characterization for Decommissioning of Nuclear Installations published in Sept. 2013.
throught to IAEA,
Two working groups, the Network of Environmental Management and Remediation (ENVIRONET) and the International Decommissioning Network (IDN) are particularly interested in geostatistics.
Under the framework of TC Project INT/9/175 “Promoting safe and efficient clean-up of radioactively contaminated facilities and sites”, IAEA organized last July the Inter-Regional Workshop on Characterization, Measurement, Sampling, Geostatistics for Site and Building Remediation in Marcoule, France. Geovariances presented and organized exercises withKartotrak to an audience of people from 20 countries.
Geovariances is also active at Cetama (Commission d’ETAblissement des Méthodes d’Analyse), theAnalytical Methods Committee from CEA responsible for improving the quality of measurement and analysis results by proposing suitable scientific and technical developments.
Our specialists Yvon Desnoyers and Julien Attiogbe co-authored a collaborative report from CETAMA working group n°10: Soil Radiological Characterization Methodology published in Dec. 2014 (CEA-R-6386 | ISSN 0429-3460).
CETAMA is organizing a Workshop about Sampling & Characterization in November in Montpellier, France. Geovariances will animate a workshop giving tips and tricks and best practices in geostatistics. Geovariances consultants Yvon Desnoyers and Nicolas Jeannée will also present two papers about contamination characterization.
Geovariances also takes part in NICOLE (Network for Industrially Contaminated Land in Europe), the leading forum on contaminated land management in Europe, promoting co-operation between industry, academia and service providers on the development and application of sustainable technologies.
In the framework of NICOLE workshop about “Environmental Liability Directive: Implementation, experiences and national case studies” to be held on November 4-6 2015, Geovariances will conduct a specific workshop entitled “An overview of geostatistics for contaminated site characterization” in partnership with eOde.