Isatis advanced capabilities improve the global quality of reservoir models
Repsol Required Geovariances to help them find solutions in order to improve modelling in complex environments.
The facts
Repsol S.A. is an integrated global energy company based in Madrid, Spain. It carries out upstream and downstream activities throughout the entire world. Repsol Reservoir Modeling Group is in charge of R&D activity in the domain of geological modelling and flow simulations. Their main goal is to find solutions in order to improve modelling in complex environments.
The challenge
Need for new methodologies
Repsol wished to develop new methodologies allowing to account for dynamic data in static models and to enhance models quality control.
The solution
Development of new workflows
Geovariances has first developed and implemented new workflows for checking the presence of hydraulic connections between wells in a reservoir and for characterizing the shape of the permeable pathways.
Similar methods have been used to characterize and rank geostatistical seismic inversion results.
The result
Improvement of model quality
A new methodology, based on border effects analysis and transition probabilities analysis, has been set up to control the quality and validate the impact of a sedimentological model on petrophysical parameters distribution in carbonates.
All the techniques are based on an advanced use of Isatis capabilities in geostatistics and mathematical morphology. All the methods have been packaged in semi-automatic procedures to facilitate their use by any geoscientist in Repsol.
The perspectives
Knowledge improvement
These new methods will be promoted by the R&D Group for implementation in future Repsol workflows, as they allow improving the global quality of the models, due to the integration of many sources of different data in a consistent manner.
“The cooperation with Geovariances experts has allowed our team members to improve their knowledge in stochastic modeling and connectivity issues.”, said Laurent Fontanelli, Repsol R&D Manager and Reservoir Modeling.