DHSA – Drill hole spacing analysis (EMEA) | Training course
Master the concepts and practice of drill hole spacing analysis to understand the uncertainties associated with mesh spacing.
- Learn how to use geostatistical simulations to quantify the uncertainty of grade modelling as a function of drillhole spacing, related to recovery-dilution
- Determine an acceptable drilling mesh based on its uncertainty and the associated production volume, using Isatis.neo
Application Domain
To optimize spacing of production drillholes based on mining recovery-dilution control
Who should attend
This course is aimed at professionals who want to understand the theoretical and practical aspects of drilling spacing based on grade uncertainty.
Course content
- Review of Turning Bands Simulation (TBS)
- Principles of DHSA
- Recovery vs dilution: Evolution of uncertainty as a function of spacing between the drillholes
- An introduction to panel as production domain
Practice in Isatis.neo:
- Review of kriging (smoothness)
- Review of TBS and scenario reduction
- Workflow of DHSA
- Defining production period and calculating associated uncertainties
- Optimize the Grade Control hole density for best mining recovery-dilution control
- Optimize drillhole spacing
Training Materials:
- Theory: Slides will be communicated
- Practice: Training licence of Isatis.neo Mining Edition geostatistical software will be attributed to the participants; as well as a typical mining dataset.
- Linear geostatistics (variogram and kriging method)
- Knowledge of Turning Bands Simulation (TBS) would be appreciated