training – Module 2: Exploratory Data Analysis | Training course

Learn how to master Exploratory Data Analysis with
Enhance your skills in data visualization, PCA, and more using real ore deposit data.


This module is centered around providing an in-depth understanding of Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), enabling participants to comprehensively explore data.

Key features

  • Real Ore Deposit Data Visualization and EDA: Learn how to visualize and analyze actual ore deposit data through a streamlined Python procedure.
  • Course Material Provided: Receive documentation, training data, and Python draft scripts that can be reused in your workplace.
  • Language Options: The course will be conducted in either French or English, depending on the participants.

Module content

  • Data visualization
  • Declustering.
  • PCA
  • Desurveying and compositing
  • Contact Analysis

Additional modules

It is essential to note that the completion of previous modules or having experience in geostatistics and Python coding is a prerequisite for participation in any of these modules.

Who should attend

Geologists, geoscientists, environmental engineers, anyone wishing to gain the skills needed to start using Python to analyze their data and to build simple procedures.


Prior knowledge of scripting with Python is required to participate.