MRE – Mineral Resource Estimation by linear geostatistics | Training course

Learn the fundamental concepts of geostatistics to estimate your mineral resources confidently.


  • Build a solid foundation in geostatistical methods for mineral resource estimation.
    Module 1: Learn and practice the standard workflow for resource estimation in a univariate context. This module covers in-depth data analysis, detailed variographic analyses, block modeling, grade distribution interpolation using kriging, estimation validation and unbiased grade-tonnage curves for short-term resources.
    Module 2: Advance into the multivariate context by exploring multivariate statistical tools like Principal Component Analysis and applying kriging and co-kriging methods for estimating multi-element orebodies and getting multivariate models respecting ratio between main metal and oxides and elements.
  • Gain skills to optimize decision-making in resource estimation by combining theory and hands-on practice using Isatis.neo Mining Edition.

Application domain

Primary estimation of long-term resources.
Estimation of short-term resources.
Production of resource models for mine design.
Spatial analysis of drillhole data.


  • The course is structured into two parts, Module A and Module B, each lasting two days. Participants can attend either module independently based on their needs.
  • It combines methodological presentations and practical exercises using a real data set to enhance the understanding of key concepts.
  • Participants will engage in computer exercises with Isatis.neo Mining Edition.
  • Course material and a temporary software license will be provided.

Who should attend

Professionals seeking a sound theoretical and practical knowledge of mining geostatistics. 

Course content

    – The importance of geostatistics in Mineral Resource Estimation.
    – Extrapolatory Data Analysis (EDA) and spatial analysis of data.
    – Data stationarity analysis.
    – Data regularization: compositing and declustering.
    – Variographical analysis: variogram cloud and parameters of experimental variogram, directional variogram.
    – Variogram modeling: automatic, semi-automatic, manual and interactive.
    – Theory of kriging and mining-related variants: ordinary and block kriging, weight distribution analysis.
    – Building a sound sample neighborhood: Kriging Neighbourhood Analysis (KNA)
    – Cross-validation
    – Estimation validation
    – Grade-tonnage table and curves
    – Principal Component Analysis (PCA).
    – Kriging non-stationary variable: kriging with external drift or universal kriging.
    – Grade correlation analysis.
    – Cross-variogram and cross-covariance on purely heterotopic datasets.
    – Correlated grades interpolation by Ordinary cokriging, Collocated cokriging and Rescaled cokriging.


  • A basic understanding of resource concepts such as grade, tonnage, and cut-off is recommended.
  • To extend your knowledge, we recommend attending the complementary advanced short course Recoverable Resource Estimation