Our completed R&D projects

Our completed projects were conducted with Mines ParisTech Geostatistics Group:

2017-2021 | H2020 – Insider

Improved nuclear site characterization for waste minimization in DD operations under constrained EnviRonment

Geovariances was a partner of the Horizon 2020 INSIDER project. The objective was to build guidelines for a more accurate initial estimation of contaminated materials and waste volumes and timely planning. Geovariances was mainly involved in a work project about sampling strategy implying a comparative study of geostatistical data processing on 3 European application cases.

The project ended up in a web tool Strategist (Sampling Toolbox for Radiological Assessment To Enable Geostatistical and statistical Implementation with a Smart Tactic) that offers an integrated characterization methodology and strategy during nuclear decommissioning and dismantling operations (D&D) of nuclear power plants, post-accidental land remediation or nuclear facilities under constrained environments. More info at https://strategist.sckcen.be/.


2017 – 2019 | SPDE

SPDE was a 2-year R&D program aiming at developing a new engine for estimation and simulation adapted to the specific context of Mineral Resource Estimation that will offer a quantum leap in performance. The key ingredient to allowing that quantum leap is based on solving Stochastic Partial Derivative Equations, hence the name. The consortium boasted four sponsors: Eramet, Areva, Newcrest Mining, and Kinross.

Resulted developments are implemented into Isatis.neo, Geovariances software solution in geostatistics.


2015 – 2018 | uncerTZ

uncerTZ was a 3-year R&D program aiming at developing a new software solution dedicated to time-depth conversion for the Oil and Gas industry.

The consortium resulted in the powerful workflow Conversions & Uncertainties fully embedded into Isatis.neo Petroleum Edition. This pre-configured workflow allows the most comprehensive analysis of spill points and reservoir volumes, focusing largely on uncertainty analysis.


2015 – 2018 | H2020 Project – Real-time Mining

Real-time optimization of extraction and the logistic process in highly complex geological and selective mining settings

Real-Time-Mining aimed to develop a real-time process-feedback control loop linking online data acquired during extraction at the mining face rapidly with a sequentially up-datable resource model associated with real-time optimization of long-term planning, short-term sequencing, and production control decisions. The project consortium consisted of 13 European partners from 5 countries, including Geovariances. Geovariances was explicitly involved in a Work Package dealing with the rapid and sequential updating of resource models and testing of geostatistical methodologies to select the one most adapted for the integration of data of varying sources in an industrial context.


2012 – 2015 | S2RM Simulation Scenario Reduction in Mining

S2RM was a 3-year research-development project conducted in partnership with CERNA, the Centre for Industrial Economics at MINES ParisTech, and sponsored by Eramet. The objective was to provide the mining industry with new software tools for stochastic optimization.

Resulted developments were implemented in Isatis, and are now in Isatis.neo (Simulation Reduction).


2010 – 2013 | G2DC Geostatistical & Geological Domaining Consortium

G2DC was a four-year research-development project whose objective was to provide the mining industry with new software tools for better taking into account uncertainties in the domain volumes. It was sponsored by Anglogold, BHP Billiton, Eramet, Orano, and Vale.

Resulted developments were implemented in Isatis, and are now in Isatis.neo (Domaining and Domain Modeling).


2006-2009 | M2RC Multivariate Recoverable Resources Consortium

M2RC was a 3-year research-development project whose objective was to develop multivariate non-linear geostatistics algorithms in Isatis.

Resulted developments were implemented in Isatis and are now in Isatis.neo (Multivariate Gaussian Anamorphosis Modeling, Multivariate Uniform Conditioning, Direct Block Simulations, Border Effect, Contact Analysis, Gibbs Sampler).