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For nearly 40 years, Geovariances has been providing the industry with geostatistics-based professional solutions to address their specific issues.
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Formation de grande qualité, animée par une formatrice qui maîtrise parfaitement son sujet
"La formation "Cartographie et estimation de volumes contaminés avec la géostatistique" est de grande qualité, animée par une formatrice qui maîtrise parfaitement son sujet et sait le transmettre à travers des supports de qualité et des exercices adaptés."
Frédéric Panfili, Co-GérantIsatis.neo’s Flattening tool helped gain resolution in high-grade estimates and selectivity for mine planning of a PGM deposit
"I use Isatis.neo to validate block models generated with other software. I also like its specific tools, such as Flattening, which I used to rotate a vein and allowed me to increase kriging efficiency from 40% to 70%."
Antonio Umpire, Unit Manager Group Resource Estimation & ReportingThe Isatis.neo sample clustering tool identifies finely two complex geological domains in a platinum group metal deposit.
"Without the Isatis sample clustering tool, small areas of extreme grades would not have been considered in the estimation, and planning would not have targeted them, reducing resources."
Antonio Umpire, Unit Manager Group Resource Estimation & ReportingIsatis.neo performance and consultants’ support allowed us to achieve our projects /// El rendimiento de Isatis.neo y el apoyo de los consultores nos permitieron concretar nuestros proyectos
"He vuelto a encantarme con Isatis.neo, conociendo sus herramientas cada vez más poderosas en simulaciones y con una grafica mejorada /// I am happy with Isatis.neo's continued performance. I have found its simulation tools to be increasingly powerful, with improved graphics."
Ricardo Líbano Granada, Geólogo Senior de RecursosO Isatis.neo ajudou a EuroChem a aumentar os recursos da mina de Serra do Salitre /// Isatis.neo helped EuroChem increase the resources of Serra do Salitre mine
“O recurso mineral de 2023, estimado pelo Isatis.neo, aumentou Life of Mine e o valor dos ativos minerais da EuroChem /// The 2023 mineral resource, estimated through Isatis.neo, increased Life of Mine and Eurochem's mineral asset value.”
Rodrigo De Andrade Miotto, Specialist Geologist - Mining resources