The latest version 2021.07 of Isatis.neo got a makeover displaying plenty of new icons in its interface. It also closes a gap within the software, providing the last kriging and simulation techniques available in Isatis and which were still missing in its successor.
Additional estimation and simulation techniques
- [All Editions] Simulate categorical variables such as facies and quantify their uncertainty using the new Sequential Indicator Simulations (SIS). This technique comes in addition to the already available Plurigaussian Simulations and Multiple-point Statistics. Isatis.neo implementation allows considering locally varying parameters.
- [All Editions] Possibly consider geographical discontinuities such as faults when running kriging. Faults are used as «screens» when searching for neighbors during estimation.
More data exchange interfaces
- [All editions] Import point and drill hole data through the ODBC link. This interface supports a variety of formats, including Access, Datasheets, and MSSQL. Link your database to Isatis.neo. Build SQL queries to filter or gather tables.
- [Standard and Petroleum editions] Export estimation results on grids to Schlumberger’s Eclipse.
Useful tools and various improvements
- [All editions] Enjoy Isatis.neo new homogenized icons and updated interface. This allows you to identify object types and actions more quickly.
- [All editions] Modify the project coordinate system or the geometry of a grid at any time of the study.
- [All editions] Manually set the covariance at zero distance C00 when fitting a covariance model on heterotopic multivariate data.
- [All editions] Benefit from improved performance in Plurigaussian Simulations. Possibly take into account local anisotropies.
- [Standard and Mining Editions] Specify either a stratigraphic layer’s type of geology or an intrusion when running Domain Modeling.
Conversion and Uncertainties Workflow
- [Petroleum Edition] Possibly consider discontinuities such as faults when achieving Misties Interpretation. Faults are used as «screens» when searching for neighbors during estimation.
New optional plugin for gems' density estimation
- [Mining Edition] Use the Cox workflow to estimate the size-frequency distribution of gemstones, expressed in terms of the number of stones. This technique was first developed in Isatis and funded by the De Beers Group for diamond quantity prediction.
Early-access menu
The Early Access menu gives you access to functionalities, the interfaces of which are not optimized. It offers advanced users the opportunity to test them and give their feedback to orientate the latest developments.
Here are the functionalities that will be released in the next version and that you may already test:
- [All Editions] Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Transform a large set of variables (possibly correlated) in a linear combination of a smaller set of uncorrelated factors.
- [All Editions] Min/Max Autocorrelation Factors (MAF). Use this alternative to PCA to decorrelate variables at a given lag distance. This spatial decorrelation generally makes the modeling assumption of independence more appropriate.
- [All Editions] Mixed Support Kriging Pre-processing (MSK). Run this pre-processing when you want to consider various support size data in the estimation. It computes a variance that can be used in Kriging with Variance of Measurement Errors.
- [Standard and Petroleum editions] Export estimation results on grids in SEG-Y files.