The latest version 2021.12 of Isatis.neo adds new kriging techniques to deal with uncertain data or multiple support size data and facilitates software use.
Additional interpolation techniques
- [All editions] Estimate uncertain data with the new kriging option “Kriging with inequalities.” The technique handles data with measurement errors and interval data (knowing the minimum and maximum values at uncertain data points). It calculates the conditional expectation and a standard deviation of measurement error at data points, using lower and upper bounds at uncertain data samples.
- [All editions] Possibly consider various support size data in the estimation running Mixed Support Kriging (MSK). This pre-processing tool computes a variance to be used in Kriging with Variance of Measurement Errors.
- [All editions] Interpolate angular data through Nearest Neighbor or Inverse Distance.
More tools
- [All editions] Reduce the dimensionality of large data sets to handle them more easily using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) or Min/Max Autocorrelation Factors analysis (MAF). This latest technique decorrelates variables at a given lag distance. This spatial decorrelation generally makes the modeling assumption of independence more appropriate.
- [All editions] Fit variograms with non-ergodic covariance and non-ergodic correlogram.
- [All editions] Change the dimension of data sets from 2D to 3D, and vice versa.
- [All editions] Handle the various objects that can constitute a mesh individually.
Simplified use
- [All editions] Quickly access and manage all your current and backup projects and the tutorials from the new Project Manager. Besides listing your current and backup projects and the tutorials, it provides information about your license and configuration. It also offers quick access to the Release Notes.
- [All editions] Easily edit batch files from the new Batch Editor. It makes the modification and the addition of actions in a Batch file simple. Batch files are used to record and automate task workflows.
- [Mining edition] Enjoy a more user-friendly Domain Modeling application.
- [All editions] In the Calculator and Batch Editor, quickly find and replace character strings with a dedicated widget.
More data exchange interfaces
- [All editions] Easily exchange files between Petrel and Isatis.neo through the Petrel plugin that has been made available for the Standard and Mining Editions. You may import markers, surfaces, horizons, grids, and fault sticks to Isatis.neo, and export points, surfaces, grids, and faults (wireframes) to Petrel.
Improved performance
- [All editions] Benefit from reduced calculation time when computing multidirectional variograms, in tasks requiring searching neighbors and the ones that need linear interpolation.