Sample clustering in Isatis.neo has proven to be efficient with big datasets

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Isatis.neo quickly groups borehole samples into homogeneous classes (e.g., facies, geological or mining domains) in an automatic way. Those who have seen the tool run qualifies it as impressive.

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The importance of being … consistent

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The search for productivity improvements is pervasive in the mining industry and MRE software are no strangers to the quest for speed seen in all operational processes. But that quest, whilst valid and sound, should not come at the price of quality, optimality or consistency in the manner information is treated.

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Can you afford to bypass geostatistics for the sake of productivity?

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Anyone involved with today’s mining industry understands that the sector is facing very tough challenges. And it is under enormous pressure from due cost control and budgetary management constraints that innovation and ingenuity must still find their way to propose new ways of tackling traditional issues. Mineral Resource Estimation (MRE) is no stranger to that conundrum and their practitioners all know the multi facets of the game: integrate more and more data, boost productivity, and come up with an answer fast and at the same time enriched with an assessment of the uncertainty that can be attached to that answer. All of that in a fraction of the time they used to have at their disposal and less resources to double check…

Tagged Mining, , , , , , , , , , , ,

La géostatistique est recommandée par les guides méthodologiques sur la gestion des sites et sols pollués

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Suivez les recommandations officielles et bénéficiez du statut reconnu des méthodes géostatistiques pour gagner la confiance de vos clients.

Tagged Contaminated sites, Nuclear Decommissioning, , ,