Geostatistical simulations, what for? Geovariances’ consultants give examples of use

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We asked some of our consultants to tell us about recent studies in which they used conditional simulations for specific issues. Here are the examples they gave us.

Tagged Mining, , , , , , ,

Enrich your maps with background images: discover a list of websites from where you can download spatial data for free

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There is no better way to understand your data than to display it in its global environmental context. Geovariances software solutions, Isatis.neo and Kartotrak, embed GIS components for the 2D display of data of any kind (points, borehole tops, grids, polylines, polygons) in several layers. It is then easy to enrich your maps by adding background images imported from geographic raster or vector files.

Tagged Contaminated sites, Hydrogeology, Mining, Nuclear Decommissioning, Oil & Gas, , , ,

Drilling optimization through DHSA

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Read how Geovariances’ consultants help a copper mine in Brazil to reduce the grade uncertainty of ore concentrates to better meet customers’ requirements.

Tagged Mining, , , , ,